EXPERIENCE Proven fullstack mobile app contributor/leader [CNN | NowThis News] looking to leverage data/intelligence skills. ❤️python!
MORFZ three.js experiment - morphing set of polyhedra: tetrahedron | hexahedron | octahedron | truncated tetrahedron | hexoctahedron | truncated hexahedron | truncated octahedron/tetratetrahedron | rhombicuboctahedron | truncated hexoctahedron | snub hexoctahedron
SOLVE ROTATION Exploration of all rotational solutions at a specific resolution, given N points in 3D space, and 2 camera positions (translated & rotated).
OLGA POINT the olga point: a viewpoint that aligns interesting aspects of an intersection between a cube and a sphere of specific sizes [sphere radius == cube edge center radius | cube made of circles]
TWEETZ realtime nlp data viz experiment: Natural Language Processing [NLP] Data Viz | scikit-learn | TF-IDF | AWS Lambda | AWS S3 | AWS API Gateway | Python3 | Flask | Zappa | Twitter API Firehose [sample] | Pusher Websockets | D3js
PLATONIX platonic solid comparison tool. compares tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, & icosahedron.